
I was born in Santiago 19 years ago, on 1 of the octubre.I am student of veterinary medicine at the university of Chile. My mom gave birth to me when she was 30 years old , to the limit of age to have children because she couldn't have children, but before me she  had my brother Tomás, that actually he has 21 years old. 

We have a house in Quilicura, i have lived there my whole life, i like where i live because everything is close.When i went to school i used to walked at school. Now , my university is very far of the my house. I had a hard time getting used to the bus and metro in the morning, but i like what i study.

My hobbies are sports and dancing.I ride my bike every sunday morning and dancing "pascuense" every saturday from 4 to 8 hrs. i love it.


  1. Ignacia, i tell you that i was born when my mom was 35 years old, she was older than your mom.
    I did not know you dance pascuense, i don't dance i'm very stiff, but I would like to have the gift of dancing.

  2. Your mother was young when you were born hahaha. I congratulate you on your hobbies, you are a proactive woman

  3. I was wrong hahaha the correct number was 38 not 30 !! Jajajaja

  4. You were a gift to your mother. The sacrifices of studying what we love friend! I love that you dance and how happy you look in every picture

  5. haha I read 30 years as limit of having babies and I thought what????? now I read you meant 38, my mom had me when she was almost 41!


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