Favorite piece of Technology

Lately the techonogy has advanced a lot, leaving many technology things in the past, buts a few have remained , like TV and the photographic camera, and it is the last one me favorite piece of technology.
The photographic camera it is a very old object, that has been progressing and that is why i like it, because it always adopts to the times. It is very easy to use and you can take it everywhere.
I love cameras and take pictures. I already want to buy a camera to take pictures underwater, it must be great!!.
The images say many things and can show much feelings.
What makes it my favorite is the simple fact that through it is captures “photos” we can remenber unique lived moments, without it we might forget many things that have happened to us.

* removing the android phone from the list, since it should be everyone’s favorite, the camera is my favorite object*


  1. When you buy your camera, I want to be your hahaha model.
    We could go to a park in Santiago with our friends

  2. hi ignacia
    I love photos like you, actually I have many pictures in the walls of my room, well
    I hope you can buy a camera soon and you can enjoy it.

  3. I like that you like taking pictures. I like the pictures so it reminds us of the moments we spent at that moment


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