Why did you choose veterinary medicine?

I choose to study veterinary medicine because i have always liked animals and the health area, although i find it difficult to choose to study this carrer because there aren't many jobs and the university i wanted to apply to was far from my home. But I could not deny what I have always liked and in any case I accept the challenge, although I must accept that during the whole course of the school I never had a clear decision, at first I wanted to study medicine, another year I wanted to study nursing , but my tastes were always close to science.

When I was a girl I wanted to be a ballet dancer, it was always my dream and to this day I have kept that dream but I also remember that I liked to play the teacher with my stuffed animals, I like to teach but I think it is not my true vocation.

My true vocation is to help and heal and veterinary medicine allows me to do it.
So far I do not know what I will specialize in, because I love everything, but with time I will make the right decision.

Greetings to all my future veterinary colleagues!


  1. HI, I think the best thing about veterinary medicine is being able to help and heal. I hope that soon you will find that specialize (without running, we still have time), and be the best in it. Greetings.


  2. I have also always liked the aniamkes and the health area. I think that studying this race is something beautiful and difficult at the same time.

  3. That good that you have guided by your true vocation in spite of everything.
    Surely you will find your future specialization colleague


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