Career-related website or expert on your field

Resultado de imagen para yo veterinario

My favorite website is Instagram Instagram (@yoveterinario), which uploads photos and videos of everything related to this career.
The page is very good because it provides the learning of diseases and how to treat them, curious facts of certain animals, rare pathologies, among other things. The best thing is that he also has a bit of humor showing images of animals doing fun things and, sometimes, even "memes" of certain situations that happen to veterinarians.
In my opinion, everyone needs a page of what they can learn, one day and even more if it is a career in which there are always new things and where you never have to stop studying and learning. It is always good to have a source of information and what better than a social network where everyone can share and comment on the photos and videos on this page.
But in spite of everything, you must be careful and cautious with the information that is shared, since it is not true one hundred percent, since anyone can make mistakes when providing medical information; However, this is resolved by investigating and studying on your own if we see something that causes us doubts.
To my career partners i recommend the page, because it provides knowledge for our studies in a fun and interesting way.


  1. It's amazing that we talked about the same website! Jajaaj I love and you're right that may not all the information is 100% real but for that this Google to review

  2. I never thought of instagram! I think I should look for a page there that I like, but I must be careful how you say.
    Thanks for the information!

  3. I love that page, I always visit it but on facebook, I do not have instagram hehe


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