This year has been very crazy, has had a bit of everything, very good times and others that have not, but have served to learn anyway.

the good times have been to share with my friends and go out to have fun in many places, but i always do it hahahaha, a moment to remember this year has been to obtain a driver's license.
I was driving a long time ago, but i did not have the time to do the process, until one day the university was strike by the feminist movement (which I fully support) and it was there that i was able to get more days to study and practice. This was good on the one hand since i was able to obtain the license but for another bad one since they passed two months without classes, so now we are with many tests together and the winter holidays disappeared.

But it seems that not everything is so bad, I think we will have a week off before the fourth semester, and a friend had the great idea to invite us along with other friends to his house in the “Lago Rapel” to rest, relax and enjoy a few days before return to the routine.

enjoy your free time!!!!!


  1. Hi Ignacia...the driver's license is very necessary, I also need to get one!


  2. I think that holidays and relaxation with so many tests is something dreamed

  3. We both got the license! At last we'll go on a trip and we can take turns to drive

  4. I have to take the driving test this August...full of tests at university


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