
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018
My favorite picture This is a photo where I appear with my friends that I met thanks to the university. I chose it because it was taken on a special day, and it brings back beautiful memories of how well I enjoyed it. This image was taken by me in the car of my friend, that day we were going to return to Santiago after spending 3 days of vacation in rappel in the summer house of one of them. We traveled to rappel the next day of the new year and it was without a doubt the best way to start the year, we had a great time!! It was my first trip alone with friends and it was very fun to live with them in those days, where we were the owners of the house and we agreed to cook and do other things in the house, although in truth we only focused on eating and washing the dishes, and a lot of that we dedicate to having fun.
Favorite piece of Technology Lately the techonogy has advanced a lot, leaving many technology things in the past, buts a few have remained , like TV and the photographic camera, and it is the last one me favorite piece of technology. The photographic camera it is a very old object, that has been progressing and that is why i like it, because it always adopts to the times. It is very easy to use and you can take it everywhere. I love cameras and take pictures. I already want to buy a camera to take pictures underwater, it must be great!!. The images say many things and can show much feelings. What makes it my favorite is the simple fact that through it is captures “photos” we can remenber unique lived moments, without it we might forget many things that have happened to us. * removing the android phone from the list, since it should be everyone’s favorite, the camera is my favorite object*
Why did you choose veterinary medicine? I choose to study veterinary medicine because i have always liked animals and the health area, although i find it difficult to choose to study this carrer because there aren't many jobs and the university i wanted to apply to was far from my home. But I could not deny what I have always liked and in any case I accept the challenge, although I must accept that during the whole course of the school I never had a clear decision, at first I wanted to study medicine, another year I wanted to study nursing , but my tastes were always close to science. When I was a girl I wanted to be a ballet dancer, it was always my dream and to this day I have kept that dream but I also remember that I liked to play the teacher with my stuffed animals, I like to teach but I think it is not my true vocation. My true vocation is to help and heal and veterinary medicine allows me to do it. So far I do not know what I will specialize in, because I love
autobiography. I was born in Santiago 19 years ago, on 1 of the octubre.I am student of veterinary medicine at the university of Chile. My mom gave birth to me when she was 30 years old , to the limit of age to have children because she couldn't have children, but before me she   had my brother Tomás, that actually he has 21 years old.  We have a house in Quilicura, i have lived there my whole life, i like where i live because everything is close.When i went to school i used to walked at school. Now , my university is very far of the my house. I had a hard time getting used to the bus and metro in the morning, but i like what i study. My hobbies are sports and dancing.I ride my bike every sunday morning and dancing "pascuense" every saturday from 4 to 8 hrs. i love it.